about me
I have always been preoccupied with the big vision. I wonder about what it means to prepare ourselves for a future where the inevitable cracks and unravellings take place after the weight of centuries of greed-fueled empire can no longer hold.
I wonder what preparation means on the individual scale of the small self, the big Self, our first circle of community, and the wider world.
A former high school humanities teacher, I now use my learnings from organizing & teaching in the classroom to organize & teach in shape-shifting places. I use my training to create the conditions to practice re-rooting in ancestral methods of community building: animist relationship with the earth, ritual-rich relationship with humans, and collaborative relationship with healthy & vibrant ancestors.
I draw on my experience as a world traveler, an educator, a student, and a guide to bring structured, flowing, reverent practice grounds to the people around me.
I've come to this place to act as one of the helpers in resetting our relational paradigms.
We must reconnect with earth, her beings, her elements, her helpers. We must reconnect with the true wisdom keepers if we are to recreate a world where Life is possible.
I invite you to check out my offerings and see if any of them call to you. I would love to meet you.

a note on training and credentials
I do have many years in formal institutional training, from college to university to agroforestry courses, and also have years in non credentialing mentorship from teachers like Solea Anani of Archetypal Mythos and Martha Travers of Contemplative Studies at Michigan and Kat Lee of Business Alchemist Mentorship.
Yet the heart of the truth is that it’s not the courses, certifications, or credentials I’ve earned that have honed the skills I need to guide you. It is the way I’ve moved through life, learning consciously from human and nonhuman teachers. It is the way I’ve traveled. It is the way I’ve listened. From personal interactions, deep and sprawling conversations, conscious reading of incredible authors, intuition based writing: these are the ways I’ve shaped myself and am in the process of becoming.
I’ve engaged with these processes with intention and focus. I’ve moved through life in a way that is endlessly curious, very thirstily attuning to the lessons of teachers around me. And, most of all, it has been the way I’ve contemplatively lived my own life, experientially tapping into the practices of my mentors, whether they be human guides, authors, or the elements, to understand what it is to be human. I’ve lived the human project with hungry curiosity and vulnerable authenticity, and I think this is what makes a qualified guide. I don’t think it is the credentials or degrees.
I think credentials and degrees can give people permission and confidence to move forward in their path, and sometimes can offer useful methodology and learnings. However, I strongly believe it is not the only way to become a highly skilled and useful person. I believe that it has often morphed into a type of expensive or elitist gatekeeping project. I am a learner, schooled and unschooling. I have walked through the gates and around them. I am here, awake, and listening.
professional history & skills
1:1 re-imagination guide, non-normative relationship guide, and dating coach for seekers of conscious partnership
Initiation ceremony facilitator | coming of age, grief, entering partnership
Diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant
Intra-group dialogue facilitator for white and white-passing folks
Conflict mediator & decision-making processes consultant for ecovillage Communa de Rhiannon
Masters in secondary education based on social justice pedagogy from the University of Pennsylvania
Secondary school humanities educator & curriculum designer rooted in social justice pedagogy for public high schools in Philadelphia & Denver
Environmental educator for the Wissahickon Park, Philadelphia
Pscilosybin guide through the framework of nature-based spirituality